As i was driving home yesterday, my mind was just filled with thoughts of "what ifs". Thinking what life could have been had i made a different choice. I'm probably working in the hospital right now giving care to the sick or working in my studio doing my film scoring. But then i chose to be unselfish (sorry couldn't tell you why) or rather be where God intended me to be.
Right after graduating from high school, i was filled with the same thoughts of what ifs. Confusion just completely overwhelmed me and all that i had to do was pray: I asked God to pick the school where He thinks would work for me best. Sure enough, He did.
These thoughts of "what ifs" has lead me to become worried about the decisions i have to make in life. But why do we worry so much about life? Can we not live without worrying and not burden ourselves with thoughts that will only lead to destruction? Yep. We are destroying our mind and body when we worry. It all adds up slowly by slowly without you realizing you have completely destroyed your peace.
Focussing on the greater things in life will eventually give you that peace of mind. But where peace comes from, you have to seek. I guess worrying is synonymous to temptation. When you fall for sin you take yourself away from God. Christ is the only source of peace. And then we start to lose peace....then we worry. Thus our worrying originates from falling to temptation or sinning.
Going back, i was supposed to go home and sleep yesterday. God lead me to a different place. I drove to a bookstore and the first religious book i grabbed, God spoke to me all about my "what ifs." I was so relieved. Knowing that there is a greater being overlooking me is just a very nice feeling. Like a comforting mother who takes care of us when we are sick.
So my friend if you are faced with "what ifs" Why don't you ask God to lead you to a place where he can explain it to you as well? You'll come out a different person.
God bless! Almost weekend!!! WOHOO!
We don't know each other that much but all I can say is, your FAITH has been the basis of your relationship to God. Based on your blogs, you have a calling from God and you MUST TAKE HEED of that calling in your life. Your mom is being used as an instrument to intercede for your guidance. The Lord is teaching you something that you ought to learn. And that is to seek for HIS PERFECT WILL in your life. Pray in your room and speak to him as though you are speaking to your dad, and sincerely ask HIM to unfold HIS righteous will unto you. He says, 'Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened, ask and it shall be given unto you.' God Bless!
3:50 PM
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